Our range includes a selection of hard-wearing work boilersuits for industry and maintenance.

Choose from a selection of work boilersuits, High Visibility boilersuits and winter boilersuits with many practical features and details, to find the perfect boilersuit for your needs. Our High Visibility boilersuits are certified to EN ISO 20471. Our winter boilersuits also meet the requirements of EN 342 and EN 343.

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  1. Boilersuit, Color: 07 black

    111040 - Comfort Light

  2. Boilersuit

    251113 - Original Cotton

  3. Hi-Vis Boilersuit, Color: 94 yellow/navy

    431044 - Vision HV

  4. Hi-Vis Winter boilersuit, Color: 94 yellow/navy

    431546 - Vision HV, Outerwear

    Running replacement, 481546 -> 431546

  5. Winter Boilersuit

    481546 - CE-ME

    Running replacement, 481546 -> 431546

  6. Winter Boilersuit

    621046 - Outerwear

  7. Boilersuit

    771015 - Craftsman Pro

    Running replacement, 771015 -> 771315

  8. Boilersuit

    771215 - Craftsman Pro

  9. Boilersuit


    771315 - New, Craftsman Pro

    Running replacement, 771015 -> 771315

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