At Tranemo, we conduct continuous work through our own value chain to minimize the negative impact on people and the environment.
We own a production facility in Bulgaria which enables us to produce large volumes of garments to keep up with the ever-increasing demand. Besides our own production, our way of working today includes relationships with selected qualified partners located in Europe and Asia. The majority of our garments are produced in Europe.
We regularly carry out physical audits on our suppliers’ premises to ensure they meet requirements for a safe and secure work place. Visiting our suppliers also gives us an opportunity to discuss, safeguard and develop the values that form the basis for Tranemo’s Code of Conduct.
The items we check during a physical audit include:
- Fire alarms and firefighting equipment
- Safety equipment for hazardous work
- Emergency exits and clear signs on premises
- First aid kits
- Fire drills and training of employees in safety and health issues
- Employee facilities for hygiene and meals
- Examination of other documents to ensure compliance with our Code of Conduct
Tranemo’s employees are our most valuable resource and provide the foundation for the company to grow. As an employer we offer a good working environment and team spirit, equal conditions and opportunities for those who want to progress.
Tranemo also plays an active part in improving the working situations of people who work further along the supply chain. Our supplier agreements cover a wide scope and set requirements in areas such as the environment, ethics and working conditions. By working closely with our suppliers, we safeguard various aspects of our suppliers’ business and promote continuous improvement. We strive to build long-term partnerships with suppliers, which is an important aspect of our goal.
We set clear and specific requirements and targets for our suppliers in the following areas:
- Working environment and safety
- Working conditions and opportunities for financial growth
- Providing the right conditions for paying fair wages
- Equality and respect
- Environmental awareness
At Tranemo we strive to maintain high ethical standards that are in line with our values. We have a clear ethical guideline policy based on our own requirements and the requirements our suppliers must meet.
We care about the people who make our products. We therefore require and check that our suppliers abide by Tranemo’s commitment to run an ethically sustainable business in relation to:
Forced Labour: All forms of forced labour are prohibited, including punishment or slave labour. ILO Convention No. 29 and 105.
Discrimination: We do not accept any type of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, social origin, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, religion, nationality, age, sex and / or membership of a union or political affiliation. ILO Convention No. 100 and 111.
Child labour: We comply with internationally recognised agreements on human rights, working conditions and do not accept child labour. ILO Convention No. 138 and 182. Children's Convention, Article 32.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: We approve selected employee representatives and respect the rights of employees to organise and negotiate collectively in accordance with the laws of the countries in which they are employed. ILO Convention No. 87 and 98
Compensation and working hours: We guarantee that work is performed on the basis of an approved employment relationship determined in accordance with applicable laws and practices and international labor standards. ILO Convention No. 1, 26 and 131.
Health and Safety: Workers' safety must be prioritised in all situations. The working environment must comply with the requirements of occupational safety laws and regulations.
Business ethics: Good business ethics and compliance with current laws and regulations are the basis for good business practices. We work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
Environment: We focus on continuous improvement and sustainable development. As a minimum requirement, our suppliers must always comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations.